Today is Thursday Jan 24 2008. NASA teamed up with some University of California scientists to conduct another study on the ice loss happening in Antarctica. And the results are that ice loss is increasing.
Most of the ice loss is happening on the coasts and as far inward as the warmth is penetrating. More ice is being lost on the western side of Antarctica than on the east.
Warmer ocean waters are melting the glaciers that are partially floating in the water. They become thin and eventually can collapse too. In the last 10 years this ice loss is said to have increased by 75 percent.
In 1996 there was an estimated 112 billion metric tons of ice lost in Antarctica. In 2006 that amount had increased to 196 billion metric tons. Of course these measures are only rough estimates and both of them could be inaccurate.
And this has already caused a rise in sea levels. The ice loss in 1996 was enough to cause a global sea level rise of just under 1/3 of a millimeter a year. But in 2006 that figure has jumped to 1/2 millimeter per year.
So the sea level has already started to rise, slowly but surely. But it is not the level of the sea that is the alarm here. It is simply further evidence of the warming of the whole earth.
Because global warming is the keynote sign of the approaching end-times. Jesus was known for telling parables that were difficult to understand. But the parable He told about the end of the world is simple and easy to understand.
Jesus told the parable of a fig tree. Simply, when the fig tree starts to blossom, you know that the summer is near. That "summer" is what Jesus said referred to the end-times.
The fig tree is blossoming. That summer is approaching. That summer is global warming, the sign Jesus gave of the end-times. This is not a projection or prophecy of some distant time in the future.
This has already started happening. When will the end come? Nobody knows. Nobody can know, because God keeps that a secret. But Jesus did tell you how you can see the end approaching.
And you can see the end approaching not by what any prophet predicts, but by what has already started happening. And the fig tree is blossoming showing that the summer has already started approaching.
The earth is getting warmer. It is commonly blamed on pollution, and the United States is largely to blame historically for polluting the world so much. But who is at fault is no longer relevant.
And unfortunately a "solution" to the "crisis" of global warming is not "relevant" either. The important thing for you to do is get right with God. How much more time do you have? A few years? Maybe longer, but still not much time.
When you are sealed you will get right with God. He will write His own Name upon you so you will belong to Him. And when you belong to God today you are prepared to be with Him for eternity. You will be prepared when you receive the Seal.
by Jason Witt
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